While it is important to seal access points to keep rats and mice from entering a building, removing any reason they may have to stay is essential. First on the list? Keep your stockroom organized and clean at all times.
Debris build-up in a stockroom creates a shelter for rodents to hide and nest. Spilled food and drink provide nourishment and an invitation to continue to search for more. These nocturnal opportunists will use the dark of night to find expired and unsecured food, carrying it back to their waste pile where they’ve set up camp. With plenty of food and cozy accommodations, why would they leave?
Be vigilant: Scan-out expired food and beverage items, promptly discarding them in your dumpster. If your stockroom waste does not fit into the dumpster, load it into bags and contact your facility maintenance team for immediate off-site disposal. Hose or mop the stockroom floor at least once a week and empty trash cans every night. An actively maintained building without food or nesting places will send mice and rats searching for more hospitable accommodations.